bridgeSwingInOperation | EnumerationLiteral
| 0 | The bridge at the specified location has swung or lifted and is therefore temporarily closed to traffic. |
convoyService | EnumerationLiteral
| 1 | A convoy service is in operation. |
obstacleSignalling | EnumerationLiteral
| 2 | Signs are being put out before or around an obstacle to protect drivers. |
rampMeteringInOperation | EnumerationLiteral
| 3 | Ramp metering is now active at the specified location. |
temporaryTrafficLights | EnumerationLiteral
| 4 | Traffic is being controlled by temporary traffic lights (red-yellow-green or red-green). |
tollGatesOpen | EnumerationLiteral
| 5 | Toll gates are open with no fee collection at the specified location. |
trafficBeingManuallyDirected | EnumerationLiteral
| 6 | Traffic is being manually directed. |
trafficHeld | EnumerationLiteral
| 7 | Traffic in the specified direction is temporarily held up due to an unplanned event (e.g. for clearance of wreckage following an accident). |
other | EnumerationLiteral
| 8 | Other than as defined in this enumeration. |